More Than words project

2013 IPFW B.F.A. project. Time lapse illustration of Ken Robinson's TED Talk. Visit the project website at and the full TED Talk at


BFA Thesis project

My B.F.A. thesis project was a two semester project to finalize my undergraduate degree in graphic design. The project is a series of photos (over 12,000, actually) compiled into Adobe Premiere and output as a video. Essentially, it is a time-lapse photography video. I learned so much about video editing during this project! 


The real secret to this video is that my illustrations were already on the pages, drawn with pencil. After adjusting the white balance, the pencil lines (mostly) disappeared. Then, I drew over the illustrations with a sharpie. ;)

Deciding to illustrate a TED talk about education and creativity seemed very natural for me; I'm always fascinated by perspectives on education and learning.  The second idea I wanted to entertain is that memory is linked to visual stimuli. If I want to be memorable, I have to do something worthy of your memory. My intention is to display a series of visual input to stimulate your brain into remembering key points of the talk, i.e., the Mars Curiosity rover referring to curious children; or a balloon for a head referring to disembodied professors. 

The talk, originally 19min, is presented by Sir Ken Robinson at a 2006 TED event. You can view the entire video HERE or search for other Sir Ken Robinson videos on the TED website.